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- Best of Supplements Award Winner - Better Nutrition
- Great Tasting - 100% Vegan - With Grass Juices
- Alkalizing Green Juice Powders, Freeze-Dried Berries & Veggies
- Superfood Concentrates, Herbal Adaptogens, Probiotics and More!
- Antioxidant Power of 24 Servings of Fruits & Vegetables
- Over 40,000 Total ORAC Per Serving
- Dietary Supplement
- 30 Servings
- Enhancing Nature's Miracles - Since 1994
Many of us do not eat the recommended nine servings of fruits and vegetables daily, that is why ORAC Energy Greens in the pe床的世界rfect supplement to provide the antioxidant protection we all need. Bursting with more than 50 ingredients and containing over 40,000 total ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) per serving ORAC-Energy Greens provides the antioxidant power of more than 24 servings of fruits & vegetables in every scoop. Our award winning patented greens includes highly bioavailable & alkalizing grass juice powders, aqua, superfoods, freeze-dried berries & veggies, stress-harmonizing adaptogens, probiotics, and more.
Paradise Herbs, ORAC-能量綠色蔬菜,6.4 盎司(182 克)
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